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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Its always you.

Ye memang lah aku selalu je menambahkan tension kau. Well sebenarnya aku tak faham. Bila aku cakap aku tension kau akan cakap aku laaagi tension. Bila aku kata aku pening kau mesti cakapaku lagi pening. Bila aku kata bapak aku banyak hutang eh takkkk bapak aku lagi banyak. Bila aku kata eh bapak aku takde duit, kau cakap bapak kau lagi takde duit. Okay jelah semua kau je. Macam harini aku ckap aku tension betul pasal kewangan and so on apa semua kau pun tension pasal short. Aku tak kisah lah kita sama2 tension. Kita boleh kan help each other. But kau just ignore yang aku ni pening and tension dan hanya kau je yang pening dan tension? Aku bukan manusia jugak ke weh? Aku bukan ke? Orang semua care pasal kau.. Sedangkan aku? Orang pandang pun tidak. Aku tak jealous aku tak kisah pun. Aku just terasa je kenapa kau tahu aku pun tension pening kau takde plak nak care care pasal aku, kau just fikirkan diri kau je yang pening dan tension. Bukan sekali weh dah banyak kali. Aku care pasal kau. Kau? Berapa banyak je kau care pasal aku? Aku ada problem ada kau bagi aku kata kata semangat conclusion? What all you care just about your phone all your social networking. All your alam maya friends yang mereka tahu ke tidak kewujudan kau. Hmm aku penat tahu penat....

Thursday 6 February 2014


I want to be a writer.
Saya nak jadi penulis.
Tapi tapi tapi..
Tak retilah guna ayat berpuitis bagai ni.
Tak RETI!! -.-
Baca novel je mesti membuak-buak nak jadi penulis.
Tapi tapi tapi itulah. Otak sempit susahlah nak imagine benda benda suwit sawit ni. Hahaha.
Baca retilah alahai jelesnya dengan yang imagination bapak ayam gilo -..-
But nevermind i will try my best to imagine something that i cant imagine. Hhaha acabo tu haaaaiiiiii xD


Okay a dream.
Everyone have a dream.
You, you, you and you also have a dream.
Even me have a dream.
What is a dream?
Why we should have a dream?
Like me, my dream is i want to be a successful bussiness woman and also err errm a police woman?
Hehehe jadi polis sememangnya cita-citaku tetapi ayahku melarang jadi ku tukar kepada seorang ahli perniagaan.
InshaAllah jika diizin Allah ada rezeki itulah kerjayaku di masa hadapan.
Why we should have a dream?
Supaya kita tahu hala tuju kita.
Yelah mana taknya kalau takde 'dream' tu tak ke korang belaja pung entah kemana takde usaha, tak tahu apa function mak korang hantar pi sekolah.
Haih dan akhirnya korang punya pembelajaran akan jadi sia sia.
Tak ke merugikan masa, duit?
Memang sekarang tak rasa pape. Bayangkan 10tahun mendatang?
Korang nak makan apa? Takkan sampai bercucu nak mak yang masakkan?
Ish ish mintak dijauhi.
So tentukanlah 'dream' korang tu.
Jangan sia sia kan.
Haa yang bercintan cintun tu tak rugi kalau single pung.
Bukan anda tak laku tetapi apa salahnya MAHAL sekejap.
Kejar dulu 'dream' tu.
Dah dapat baru lah bercintan cintun sambil berpantun pantun.
Takyah tunggu lama lama nak boleh ke sampai ke pelamin.
Ni tak tidur pun masih kencing di tilam ada hati nak bercintun.
Belajar dulu elok elok, senangkan hati ibu dan ayah lepastu aru senangkan hati sendiri. Kan best berganda pahala ^.^

Sunday 5 January 2014


بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Okay okay okay. Today is so seram shit. Why? Because today is the date for group discussion. Really nervous but thanks ianya berjalan seperti lancar. Markah semua lebih kurang. Anak buah takkan dapat lebih dari ketua. Terketaq-ketaq wa duh. Aissshhh waaeeee. Okay takpe mula mula. Mintak mintak lepas ni akan lebih yakin untuk bercakap. So scary mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

How to speak confidently in public.

Okay how to talk confidently in the public. This is very important because when we are studying in school or university we need to speak for presentation or for group discussion or something else. When its come to this we need to be confident when standing in public right. If we nervous then how could we give a speech. Its would be harder and uncomfortable right cause we cant remember anything that we already memorize. So take a deep breath and here how to be more confident speak in public....

1. When rehearsing, practice speaking to the room as if the audience were in front of you. You wouldn't stop half way through and ask to start again in front of an audience, right? Under pressure, how you practice is how you'll perform.

2. Avoid the temptation to speak in front of a mirror or a video camera (it's distracting) and instead focus your energy on what it feels like to present in the moment.

3. Practice speaking with your friend(s) or your parents.

4. Prepare a good plan of speaking. There should be:
-An opening
-3 good middle points;
-a summary (conclusion)

5. Don't try to speak on too many issues. In addition, don't wander off the topic.

6. Think carefully before you talk. Use silence; it can be a great ally and cause the audience to hang off your next words, wondering what you are about to say. Don't be intimidated by silent moments.

7. Practice a lot beforehand. If it's for a presentation or a speech, the more you practice it, the more it will take on a life of its own and feel more comfortable to deliver.

8. Concentrate on one person. Maybe practise in front of them, so that it feels like you're just talking to them.

9. Connect with your audience. Use feelings and gestures to intensify a point. Just don't overdo the gestures or emotion - a little goes a long way.

10. Don't look directly into people's eyes. Focus on their foreheads or on a place at the back of the audience, just above the heads in the audience. That way you won't feel distracted.

11. Let go of assumptions. Just because an audience is not smiling or nodding in agreement does not mean they aren't listening or feeling positive about your talk. People often do not display encouragement on their faces in an audience situation, so don't seek it. You'll know from the applause level at the end how well you went and by then, the speech is over!

12. Never get confused. Try to speak fluently.

13. Speaking fluently encourages you that you are doing all right.

Hormat minat orang. Nak tegur ada cara.

 بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Holla so harini kita nak cakap pasal hormat/respect. Kenapa kita perlu respect minat orang? Kenapa? Kenapa? 
Yelah kau nak ke minat kau orang kutuk apa semua? Takkan? Aku pun taknak.
Rasa macam nak cepuk je kepala sesekor.
Masing-masing ada citarasa, pendapat sendiri.
Dia cakap macam ni macam tu tak semestinya sama dengan pendapat kau. So takkan kau nak salahkan dia sebab tak sama pendapat or minat apa semua dengan kau. Kalau nak marah jugak meh aku cepuk kau.
Kepada yang minat-minat music kpop, barat or metal apa semua tu kita ada batas dan adab nak minat sesuatu tu.
Jaga batas dan adab inshaAllah tak haram apa kita minat.
Memanglah kita tak tinggal solat apa semua. Tapi still kena jaga adab. Adab tu macam mana?
Yelah adab tu macam kan kebanyakkan fangirl eh? Ada yang baca fanfics macam smut lah angst lah yaoi.
( yang tak tahu google lah)
Benda-benda ni tak baik and tak bagus untuk pemikiran kita adik-adik. 
Tu tadi cakap minat ada batas.
Batas harus di jaga.
Jangan sampai merosak minda.
Sedih tengok adik-adik muda sekarang.
Kalau orang menasihat cuba adik-adik terima dengan terbuka. Memang kadang-kadang kita tak boleh terima cara orang nasihat kita. Tapi takpe kalau dia nasihat cara kasar kita nasihat dia balik. Kita manfaatkan situasi itu. Jangan dia kasar kita kasar. Ada cara menegur. Nak tegur, tegur sopan. Kalau kasar tu nak tegur ke nak cari gaduh hah?! Haih aku pantang betul lah. Kau nak kena cepuk ke?!
Mentang mentang gambar kartun so kau nak kutuk nak menganjing sesedap hati kau je. Apahal der kecut ke?
Bahaha. K k stop.
So saya nak cakap saya sokong kalau anda saling hormat menghormati.
Bagi saya hormat minat orang akan buat minat saya dihormat.
Saya takdelah taksub saya cuma minat, suka.
Sebab setiap yang kita rasa teruk ada jugak positive.
Kita janganlah amik negative nya kita amik positive nya.
Bak kata perpatah buang keruh ambil yang jernih.
Ceh betul ke --"
Apapun korang paham kan maksud aku? Bahaha.
Tak paham takpe. Saya budak junior baru nak berjinak dengan blog. Saya hanyalah ingin meluahan pendapat saya. Since semua orang susah nak berpuas hati dengan minat orang lain. Rasa macam tak bebas.
Rasa macam tak puas. Ibarat kita hidup di bawah telunjuk orang. Diri kita. Kita berhak ada pendapat sendiri. Macam saya sekarang ni.
Ni pendapat saya lah. Awak nak baca awak punya pasal lah. Awak punya sukalah. Saya tak rugi apapun. Cuma memanfaatkan kemudahan. InshaAllah kearah kebaikkan ;)

So thanks for read. 
Have a nice day.
InshaAllah we will meet if Allah willing. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Ukulele guitar. I love ukelele.


When the Ravenscrag arrived in Honolulu on the afternoon of August 23, 1879, it was carrying 419 Portuguese immigrants from the island of Madeira to work in the sugar cane fields. It had been a long and hard journey of over 4 months and some 15,000 miles. In celebration of their arrival, Joao Fernandes borrowed his friend's braguinha, jumped off the ship, and started playing folks songs from his native land on the wharf. The Hawaiians who came down to the dock were very impressed at the speed of this musicians' fingers as they danced across the fingerboard and they called the instrument "ukulele", which translates into English as "jumping flea". You see, that was the image conjured up by those flying fingers.

 At least that's one of the stories about the origin of the name "ukulele". Typical to much of Hawaiian history, there are several accounts of how the ukulele got it's name. Queen Lili'uokalani thought it came from the Hawaiian words for "the gift that came here", or "uku" (gift or reward) and "lele" (to come). Another legend says the instrument was originally called "ukeke lele" or "dancing ukeke" (ukeke being the Hawaiian's three stringed musical bow). The name, being mispronounced over the years, became "ukulele". Another theory comes from a story about Edward Purvis, an English army officer and the Assistant Chamberlain to the court of King David Kalakaua, who was very adept at playing the braguinha. Since he was small and sprightly, the rather large Hawaiians nicknamed him "ukulele", the whole "jumping flea" thing all over again. Still another version of the origin of the world "ukulele" is attributed to Gabriel Davian and Judge W. L. Wilcox, who was a member of a well-known island family. According to the story, the two men were in attendance at a housewarming party at the Wilcox home in Kahili, where Davian was playing an 'ukulele he had made himself. When one of the guests asked what it was called, Davion jokingly replied that, judging from the way one "scratched at it," it was a "jumping flea". Wilcox, who was fluent in Hawaiian, was asked for the Hawaiian translation and is supposed to have answered, "'Ukulele!".

 Over the years, the "jumping flea" legend, the one where Joao Fernandes' fingers were jumping like fleas over the fingerboard, has become the most accepted, probably because that is the coolest story and Hawaiians just love a cool story.

Thanks for reading, hoping you enjoy ;)